Top 10 Things bands should know

1) Your band needs a business license along with a “Band Membership Agreement” which is a contract for the members of the band that in detail discuss income division between members, how things should be resolved or decided, who has what authorities or responsibilities behind the band name, insurance, copy rights, etc.

2) Before recording a demo meet with a lot of producers and see who you mesh with well. If you are recording and the producer has a different opinion then you do, it could cause huge problems. If you are a signed band do not let the label assign you a producer, tell them you will find your own.

3) NEVER underestimate face to face time with your fans. Sure it might be easier to use a "Bot" on to send thousands of adds to your target market, but THEY WON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. Get out there and show them who you are. CONNECT with people, RELATE with people, give them something to believe in.

4) Put work into your songs; don’t pump out as many songs as possible in the least amount of time. Write a song and keeping adding and making it more complex and catchy; make it a work of art.

5) E-mail people! E-mail band managers, publicists, other bands, booking agents, music producers, etc. Just ask them questions, this is an industry of uneducated bands, ask questions, learn and in the process you will make connections who will benefit your career.

6) Make sure introduction to all songs are less then 30 seconds and the song does not exceed 3:30 minutes.

7) Never sign to a band management company or Booking agent that has a flat rate fee always opt for percentage based income, which means when you make money they make money, so they HAVE to do their job.

8) If you are signing to a band management company or Booking agent always ask before hand if they will provide a 30 day trail period to let you see their capabilities.

9) If you have the ability look up the location (Record Label, Band Manager, Booking agent, Music Publicist) you are mailing the press kit too and find an actual person to put on the envelope; Attn: XXXX

10) Home made press kits always write on the outside with a black sharpie “requested Material”


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